Are you an OVERTHINKER? 6 Ways to Help You Stop Overthinking Everything

Our biggest obstacles in life can often be found inside of our own minds. Overthinking is not in itself a medical term, but research shows this habit can have real impacts on our well-being. Oftentimes, overthinking involves focusing on the negative-- rehashing the past, dwelling on bad experiences or worrying about the future. When you overthink, thoughts run circles around your head and find yourself stuck in reverse unable to move forward.

Overthinking is exhausting. Some of us think a lot. We think more than we should. We think not only for ourselves but for others as well. It's almost like we have taken over the job of thinking for everyone in the entire world. Our hair is turning grey, our anxiety levels are shooting up the sky, but we cannot help over analysing and over thinking everything around us. We get stressed out and paranoid about the littlest things in our lives. It has affected all of us at some point or the other and to be honest, it effing sucks. Once you get stuck in a stream of thoughts, you start diving even deeper. I've personally seen such person, one of my friends is constantly making up scenarios in his mind as his mind plays some trick on him telling him multiple things he can't process. His mind does not shut off like ever. ugh It's exhausting. It's like we can't even notice how much they overthink things because not everything they think comes out of their mouth. We won't notice how often they overanalyze details. Among other things, overthinking can cause great harm to your physical health as well. A lot of people ask themselves "Why do I overthink?" and never come up with an answer. But stress and worry are emotions-- and you can control your emotions. "Let fear be a counselor and not a jailor." It's time to face your fears so that you can overcome them. Try these ways to stop overthinking everything for good.

Distract yourself.

To escape the trap set by your brain, you can distract yourself when your mind becomes too loud by engaging in an activity that you really enjoy. Do some dancing. Learn a new skill. Basically anything that flexes your mind muscles.

Breathe and meditate.

When you feel you're losing control over your life, step back and breathe. Know that you are still in control and all you have to do is quieten your mind. This is when meditation and yoga can help. Find yourself a quiet spot and breathe. When done daily, it is guaranteed to clear brain clutter.

Manage your story.

"We are telling ourselves stories. The question is, does your story empower you or hold you back?" Overthinkers may tell themselves, "I've always been a worrier" or "I'm just naturally more anxious than everyone else." These are the stories that hold you back and can be especially hard to change if you've never asked yourself "Why do I overthink?" 
To overcome your limiting beliefs, you need to first identify them. Then you can catch yourself when you stop telling yourself these negative stories and replace them with positive ones, like "I am in charge of my emotions." Once you change your story, you'll change your life.

Think about your successes.

It's difficult to think about your success when your mind is riddled with negativity, but try. Take a moment and think about what you have achieved; they can be minor achievements, but you probably had a role to play. You may be surprised to know you are stronger and more capable than whatever is plaguing your mind at the moment.

Seek help.

Do not fight this alone. You are allowed to  show your vulnerabilities and seek help. Go to a family member, a friend or your partner and pour your heart out. 

Live in the moment.

Living in the moment is a key to stop overthinking. Most people can't just flip a switch and live in the moment-- or can they? You can take control of negative emotions in their tracks. Identify overthinking before it spirals out of control and take a minute to reset. Breathe and focus on the moment. Soon you'll find it come naturally.

Once you discover how to stop overthinking and live in the moment, you'll be happier, more rested and have a positive influence on those around you. Always remember that life happens for you, not to you. Even your negative emotions can lead positive outcomes, if you treat them as a gift that have been given to help you grow.


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